Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hello my name is Heather. I am taking English 101 at Everett Community College. My goal to get and ATA in Business Administration is only two quarters away from reality. As part of our class we have had to write many assignments. In our assignments we have explored identity, community and traditions. I don’t this class has affected me they way the instructors have wanted. I previously have taken many diversity classes. The previous diversity classes have touched my heart and my home in many ways. This class reaffirmed my past learning experiences. What I did realize is that there is an expectation that as an individual, I am not divers. Therefore, my point of view does not consider that others are not diverse. I personal have an expectation that people are diverse. I greatly enjoyed our time reflecting on communities. I personally have struggled with depression and anxiety. Remembering I am part of a greater community in many different ways was really comforting to realize. So, if life’s challenges take one community from me again, I know that I will still be a part of other communities in my life. We live in a society with many cultures and racial connections. Leaning about others religions and cultures is something I enjoy doing whenever the opportunity presents itself.
In this English class I have enjoyed the reading and movie selections. W e have explored many levels of Identity, community and traditions. Identity was very complex. We discussed how our personal identity differs yet is interdependent on our cultural identity. We explored what community means to each of us, and how we find community within our lives. We conversed about traditions and how pop culture can cause changes in the traditions of our society.

You will find four writing assignments from my class here. First, will be a piece that will show you critical thinking. Second, is a piece that shows I am able to revisit my work and then rewrite it with more reflection. Third, is a writing that shows my ability to be aware of the audience and voice. Finally, is writer’s choice, the favorite piece I wrote while taking this class. I hope you enjoy what you read.

As a bonus

To start you out here is a part of a piece I wrote about my name.

Heather is a flower, a pretty flower but just a flower. It has never really been the name I would have chosen for me. I like the color Heather, like Heather Gray. I usually find that appealing. Heather, well that is a popular name, and while we are all individuals, I find that I get lump together with other ladies named Heather, I feel have felt that my individuality can get lost into a group of nice ladies named Heather. I feel I wouldn’t have chosen this name for myself because there are so many other Heathers. I think I am blossoming during this reflection and my name is growing on me.


None said...

What a great pic and a cool blog. Great job and best of luck wherever life takes you next.
Molly B

Alex said...

I find it interesting that you've taken a diversity class before. It sounds like the focuses of the classes are very similar. What would you say the biggest differences have been (other than the subject matter)?

Heather said...

I think the difference for me was that my instructor was involved in the discussions and she didn't grade us on what she thought we should get out of the class. The Diversity shouldn't be graded on. Each of us has things that hit us in different ways due to our experiences and things going on in our lives. Grading on what you think something should have affected someone doesn't feel right to me.